
In-Home Child & Family Therapy
Professional Parenting Support
Infant Mental Health

 Carolina Parenting Solutions, PLLC       

 Phone: 704-718-8657

 Fax: 877-735-8447


Complete the 8-Session Online course on your time, and we provide the accountability and follow up through emails, Zoom and phone calls! 

Who: Parents with children who struggle with following directions, aggressive tendencies, potty training, bedtime challenges and other behavioral needs!

What: Triple P is an evidenced based parenting program, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. While the course is free online, this price includes access to the coach to support you. Each week you complete the next “class” online, and our coach will walk you through the strategies to help tailor it to your needs.

Full coaching bundle includes a weekly email to set the stage for your “homework” for the week, Zoom call after 3rd session to individualize plan with you, and 3 phone calls to troubleshoot any concerns you have throughout the class.

Where: From the comfort of your own home. Triple P Online is a self-paced virtual course that you can watch whenever is convenient for you.

When: Please contact us at the email below for specific scheduling to your needs as we are flexible.

Why: Triple P helps you:

·         Raise happy, confident kids
·         Manage misbehavior so everyone in the family enjoys life more
·         Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
·         Encourage behavior you like
·         Take care of yourself as a parent
·         Feel confident you’re doing the right thing

How: $200 for complete coaching bundle

Email to let us know you are interested or click here to sign up and pay online.